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Five Mistakes To Avoid While Building A New Detached Garage

Five Mistakes To Avoid While Building A New Detached Garage How a team of professional garage builders can help you maximize your budget & Avoid Conflict There is a learning curve for everything but when it comes to big home improvement projects such as building a detached garage, you will want to do whatever it […]

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Are Architectural Shingles & Tyvek Important on My Garage?

When it comes to garage roofing, there are several options to choose from when designing your detached garage project. While they may increase the cost, architectural shingles, and a weather resistant barrier/house wrap are worthy investments for the long-term life of your garage. Architectural Shingles Architectural shingles, also known as dimensional or laminated shingles, are […]

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How Long Does It Take to Build A Detached Garage?

From start to finish, the physical process of building a detached garage does not take that long. There are many steps involved in the permitting and construction of a detached garage, each with there own unique impact on the length of time it takes to complete your garage project. What Affects the Build Timeline? The […]

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